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Buying a House After Bankruptcy? How Long to Wait and What to Do

Bankruptcy unfairly stigmatizes well-intentioned, responsible Americans who were often put in a situation by external factors. Although for most who have had to file bankruptcy and loose there home. The road to buying another home is not out of reach. Depending on the chapter filing done the next step would be to get in touch with a lender to formulate a game plan to get back on track and into a home. 
Other options worth pursuing if you have a down payment would be to do a lease option to buy. If you were fortunate enought to sell your home and get some cash out this could help you to quickly transition to another home. Lease options will work in your favor with lenders when working towards your exit plan. I have worked with numerous home buyers and sellers working this strategy. Below is another article you can look up for some further action steps from 

Buying a house after bankruptcy may sound like an impossible feat. But it's entirely doable if you take these steps.


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